Freedom of Choice – leaflet
/wp-content/uploads/2025/01/Leaflet-MV_ENGLISH_bez_okrajov-1.pdf Leaflet MV_ENGLISH
Women sometimes pay more than 400 € for an abortion
On the accessibility of abortions in Slovakia. The right to health requires that women have timely access to safe, affordable and high-quality abortion services. Any limitations of the access to abortion care: PUT WOMEN’S [...]
Support service
If you need information or advice on reproductive health, particularly on the provision of safe abortion, please contact us +421 910 350 444 or support@moznostvolby.sk Monday to Wednesday: 12:00 to 18:00 Thursday: 9:00 to 15:00 /wp-content/uploads/2023/07/EN_leaflet-2023_02_NOmarks.pdf [...]
Care in Crisis
Women travel more than 100 km to get abortions
On the accessibility of abortions in Slovakia.The right to health is a basic human right. It requires that women have timely access to safe, affordable and highquality abortion services. Any obstacles concerning the access to [...]
CEDAW shadow report 2023
Vypočítaná nespravodlivosť zlyhávanie Slovenskej republiky v zabezpečovaní prístupu k antikoncepčným prostriedkom I ENG